Saturday, August 21, 2021

Real madness

If someone suffers, I console him.
He needs help? I give it.
So why do you think I'm mad?
Someone looks at me, I respond.
If someone talks, I listen.
You've all gone slowly crazy not recognizing these responses.
By simply ignoring them.
If someone's dying, you let him die.
Someone asks for help you look away.
Someone's hungry you are wasteful.
Someone's dying of sorrow, you lock him up so you don't see.
A person who systematically behaves like that
who is blind to the victims
may dress well, pay his taxes, go to Mass,
but you can't deny he's sick.
Your world is terrifying.
Why don't you look at real madness for a change?
Stop persecuting sad people, meek people,
those who don't want to buy, or can't buy,
all that crap you'd so gladly sell me.

Rantes in the movie Man Facing Southeast,
written and directed by Eliseo Subiela