Wednesday, May 26, 2021

Leaving on a jet plane

She had been scheduled to fly on Korean Air Lines Flight 007,
September 1, 1993, the day that plane was shot down.
But in August her trip was moved to the following day.
This is wonder story about where we are going, not where we've been.
The meaning is not to be found on the day when you miss flight 007.
The meaning is in what you do afterwards.
The meaning is not in the historical explanation.
The meaning all lies in the future.
Our experience comes to mind.
Its meaning lies in the future, in what we are going to do about it.
It is enough to mention and share your experience,
there is no need to interpret it or preach to each other.
Fantasies or interpretations we carry with us lead to a dangerously false future. 

                       From a sermon preached by Fr. Richard Fabian