Sunday, December 19, 2021

Alas, church isn't like this most places

A couple of Tuesdays ago, St. John's shopping cart lady, who has been semi-adopted and mostly tamed by a couple in the church, happened in to our clergy Eucharist in the chapel. She called me "Jimmy Baby" and gave me a pineapple hard candy.

I told her we were having church, and she could stay if she wanted. She did and did most of the responses of the people. We pass the bread and wine at that small service, so I passed the plate with communion wafers to her, said, 'The Body of Christ" and told her to pass it on to David. Well, instead, she decided to carry the plate around the room. When she got to one priest who hesitated, not used to such on-the-spot liturgical innovation, she said "Go on, Take one...."

I've decided the next revision of the Eucharist should change the words of distribution during communion to:
Priest: "Go on, take one...."
Communicant: "Thank you, I will...."

Church like this happens at St. John's all the time. I'm not sure it happens in 99.5% of other Episcopal Churches. I wish it did, but I doubt it....

Go on, take one...taste and see how sweet the Lord can be....

        Fr. Jim Bradley, Under the Castor Oil Tree blog, March 11, 2010