Many of the three hundred and sixty-five days of the year are followed by dreadful nights, but one night is far, oh yes by far the worst
And that is the night of December the thirty-first
Man can never get it through his head that he is born to be not a creditor, but a debtor
Man always thinks the annual thought that just because last year was terrible, next year is bound to be better
Man is a victim of dope
In the incurable form of hope
Man is a blemishless Polyanna
And is convinced that the advent of every new year will place him in possession of a bumper crop of manna
Therefore man fills himself up with a lot of joie de vivre
And goes out to celebrate New Year’s Ivre
Therefore millions of respectable citizens who just a week before have been perfectly happy to sit at home and be cozily Christmas carolized
Consider it a point of honor to go out on the town and get themselves parolyzed
Therefore the whistles blow toot toot and the bells ring ding ding and the confetti goes confetti confetti at midnight on the 31st of December
And on January 1st the world is full of people who either can’t and wish they could or can and wish they couldn’t remember
They never seem to learn from experience
They keep on doing it year after year from the time they are puking infants till they are doddering octogenerience.
My goodness, if there’s anything in heredity and environment
How can people expect the newborn year to manifest any culture or refironment?
Every new year is a direct descendant, isn’t it, of a long line of proven criminals
And you can’t turn it into a philanthropist by welcoming it with cocktails and champaigne any more successfully than with prayer books and hyminals
Every new year is a country as barren as the old one, and it’s no use trying to forage it
Every new year is incorrigible, and all I can say is for heaven’s sake, why go out of your way to encorrige it
Ogden Nash
(Transcribed from a YouTube video, so spelling and punctuation not guaranteed)